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Planning Board Minutes 10/05/2006
(603) 798-4350

OCTOBER 5, 2006

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Joanna McIntosh, Fred Ruoff, Richard DeBold, Tom Jameson, Stan Brehm, Richard Arell, David Kenneally, Mike Paveglio and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Towle announced the Agenda for the night and requested any changes, none were made. The Board was requested to review the minutes of September 7, 2006.

Page 1, Design Review, Eddie Watson, second paragraph first line last word change from “with” to “will”.

Page 2, Public Hearing, Peter Holmes, after second sentence add: Mr. DeBold raised concerns about the architectural design of the proposed retail building and believed that what was being presented, in elevation view, was a building out of character for preserving the rural character of Chichester.

Considerable discussion followed about the building’s design and also whether the Board actually has the authority to regulate architectural designs in the Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Family District on Suncook Valley Road, (Route 28) as the Planning Board does for the Commercial Village district on Dover Road, (Route 4, 202 & 9).

Mr. DeBold’s position cited language in Chichester’s Site Review Regulations, within the Purpose section, which states that the purpose of the regulations is to “provide for harmonious and aesthetically pleasing development of the municipality” and also pointed out that part of the Site Plan Review application requires the submission present “An elevation view or photo of all buildings” for review.

Page 3 same hearing last sentence before Motion. Include after from “Paul Adams, and note letter attached. The vote was 6 yes and 1 no.

Page 4:  add NEW BUSINESS: Prior to Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission…

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the above changes and attachment of Mr. Adams letter.

        DeBold/McIntosh (Passed)


Some editorial revisions were suggested by Mr. DeBold and Mr. Ruoff. Editorial revisions were made. No comments were made from the general public.

Motion was made to accept the Policies & Procedures with editorial revisions.

        Paveglio/Jameson        (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:          Eddie Watson
                Site Review – Multi Use
                Map 3, Lot 22-1, Dover Road

Tim Bernier presented plans for the project. Soil types have been added to the plan and there is excess of required residential soils for the property. Recording Block and repaved driveway and parking have been addressed and noted on the plan.

The project still needs either a letter or new driveway permit from State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation District #5.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.
        DeBold/Paveglio (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:         Eddie Watson
                Site Review – Multi Use
                Map 3, Lot 22-1, Dover Road

ABUTTERS: None present.

The Board will require either a letter or new driveway permit for this site.

Motion was made to accept the proposal with either a letter or new driveway permit for State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation District #5.

        Brehm/DeBold    (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:          Mark Blasko
                Site Review – Multi Use – Family Entertainment
                Center, Mini-Golf, Batting Cages and snack bar
                Map 2, Lot 81, Dover & Bailey Roads

Richard DeBold presented his review of the application. There was discussion about parking area being paved or not. The applicant states has met with the Conservation Commission on the wetlands and Nit Pack type Surface.. Concerns about light trespass, a new plan is in the works and they may need to ask for a waiver on some of the area lighting. Need a wetlands stamp. Requesting additional 24 square feet of signage Mr. DeBold requested that the Board pass by the site to make final decision on the additional signage.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.
        DeBold/Paveglio (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:         Mark Blasko
                Site Review – Multi Use – Family Entertainment
                Center, Mini-Golf, Batting Cages and snack bar
                Map 2, Lot 81, Dover & Bailey Roads

Abutters present: Helen Whitehead, Glenn & Leslie Walker, William & Diane Stevens, Shirley Waters and Jeremy Gagnon.

Mr. Blasko presented plans for the project and explained the layout of the plan. There will be Mini-Golf, Batting Cages and a snack bar as well as an office on the property. The Entertainment Center will be open from April to October and the office will be occupied year round. Hours of operation are not yet set but anticipate Monday thru Thursday noon to 9 pm opened later on Friday  until 11pm and Saturday 9 am to 11 pm and Sunday to 6 or so it will depend.

Many concerns were voiced by abutters and landowners on Bailey Road. The biggest concern was entering and exiting Route 4 from either direction, the abutters feel that this is a life safety issue and would like the town to think about the amount of traffic this kind of establishment will draw and the concerns for increased accidents.

Other issues involving noise and the batting cages as well as parking. The balls will be hit towards the back of the lot, as well as parking. Mr. & Mrs. Stevens feel that this will be very loud and will disturb their home. The plans look like most of the trees will be removed which could have an adverse affect on the neighborhood. It was explained that this property in within the commercial as well as some of the abutting property even though they are residential houses.

Discussion about fencing and plantings to reduce the noise and lighting that may be offensive.

There will be a new septic system that will remain in the same general location as the existing one. There will be a new well drilled. The golf course will be similar to Legends in Hooksett but will have a New Hampshire theme. There is no need for a barrier along Route 4 as the course is setback about 40 feet.  The sign will be located approximately 30 feet off the road.

Other concerns of the abutters are their property value, traffic going up Bailey Road to Horse Corner or even to Connamara Drive to Horse Corner. The time of operation seems to be rather late. There was discussion on compromise on hours of operation.

Are there accommodations for larger vehicles such as campers or cars towing boats and buses? They will utilize the same parking area. There also might be some overflow parking across the street at the Weathervane’s back entrance.

Can State NH DOT restripe Route 4 to include a turn lane? The Board will create a memo with the traffic concerns and the Chairman and another Board member will ask for a meeting with someone at District 5.

Some of the questions raised were: can the batting cages be removed, turned around or some additional buffer or retaining walls to screen noise? The batting cages are a very important part of the plan and they would prefer not to remove them. It may be possible to turn the cages or supply additional buffer the engineer will have to work with the plan. When do they expect to be opened? Expect to open May 2007.

Are there any traffic studies? State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation last study has 24,000 cars per day traveling Route 4. Mr. Blasko has had a feasibility study completed and at most they will have 450 people per day with 95% of the business being conducted after 6pm on week days and all day on weekends. The average week day is anticipated to draw 150 people per day will a 3 person per vehicle or 50 vehicles per day.

Would making Bailey Road a right hand turn only road possible? Might be possible but would it work and where would people turn around once on Route 4 East bound if they wanted to head West?

The 7% pitch of the parking and driveway area needs to be addressed. It could be reduced to 3% which will drop the parking lot down and create a larger barrier to the abutter in the back of the lot.

Is there a decibel study that can be preformed as to the noise level of batting cages?

Several members of the Board stated grave concern on the traffic impact and life safety issues with Route 4.

The Board agreed that more studies needed to be completed and documentation reviewed.  

The Board is requesting the developer put a new plan together and get it to the Planning Board secretary for review by the Town Engineer.

A memo will be created with the concerns of the traffic flow on Route 4 addressed to State of New Hampshire, Department of Transportation, District #5 (DOT) and a meeting will be set up with the Board Chairman and another member of the Board to discuss the traffic concerns.

Motion was made to table this Public Hearing to November 2, 2006 to have a chance to review the issues with DOT and give the town engineer time for their review, and to collect further research and information.

        Brehm/Paveglio  (Passed)

DISCUSSION:             Jay Baas
                Site Review – Apartment in Barn
                Map 8, Lot 4, Depot Road

Mr. Baas presented a plan to the Board for a multi- family home.

After review the Board found several issues.  What Zone do you use? Either still has issues with the following.
1.      Setbacks – from town roads
2.      Setbacks – zoning districts
3.      Lot size
4.      25% common open space
5.      Separate Units
6.      Soils (map has CI/MF and wetlands) would need to prove other than wet.

Letter to Board of Adjustment – please see Decision Letter of June 2, 2005 as well as new issues the Board found during this discussion.

DISCUSSION:             Ann Fornier
                Map 2, Lot 24, Horse Corner Road

Could not continue to stay, reschedule for November.

DISCUSSION:             Katie Napierkoski
                103 Horse Corner Road
                Home Occupation
                Map 4, Lot 58D?

Did not attend.

DISCUSSION:             Laura Foss
                Site Review – Dairy Bar and Bakery Store
                Map 34, Lot 1A. Suncook Valley Road

Ms. Foss discussed the property she has purchased with the Board and explained that the Dairy Bar will only be open April to September. There are 3 acres with a shared driveway, she understands the paved parking and driveway and will work with the site review checklist with her surveyor. She will get a letter from DOT or a new driveway permit for the project.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for November 2, 2006.


1. Jeff Andrews from the Conservation Commission gave opinion on surface water runoff back into the soil. Jeff had handouts for Post Construction – Storm Water Runoff. The Board has some guidance documents available.

Jeff showed the Board the overlay system for the town with all vital resources, the plans are locked to the table downstairs the secretary has a key and can produce them at Board meetings when necessary.

2. The Fire Chief will not require Holmes Carpet to have driveway around the new buildings. There will be ample access for the fire trucks.

3. The town attorney has offered that the Planning Board has authority to mandate what the buildings look like in the commercial zone.

4. Letter to Selectmen on possible zoning violations:
        a. RV, sales/rentals 314 Dover Road, Map 3, Lot 46, no site review.
b. Hillcrest Campground 78 Dover Road, Map 4, Lot 156, U-Haul trucks and trailers for rent, not site review for additional business.
c. Myer’s RV/Campers World, Dover Road, Map 3, Lot 10, signs hanging on fence exceeds allowable signage vehicles parked outside of approved parking area.
        d. Larry Leppard, 149 Dover Road, Map 4, Lot 30 vehicles for sale again.
e. Clarks Grain Store, 271 Suncook Valley Road, Map 9, Lot 39, exceeds allowable signage.

Motion was made to adjourn.
                DeBold/Brehm    (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:45pm.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Brad Towle